Fire Protection - Code

Following codes are a complex, yet essential, part of any building project.

RJ Bartlett Engineering, a division of CBCL Limited, saves clients confusion, time, and unexpected costs from building codes.

Building code and fire code provisions, as well as additional requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, all have an impact on design. Our code consulting team can explain these requirements and indicate options for different designs and aid in the assessment and selection of building design. With experience in both new and existing buildings, our experience with code allows for alternative solutions in places where the code would be infeasible or impractical.

Involvement in committees dedicated to the development of these codes and standards provide our team with an understanding of the origin and intent of these provisions, along with the knowledge to potentially approach alternative solutions that provide a level of life safety that meets the intent of the code and is acceptable to the authority-having jurisdiction.


Tom Watson – VP Buildings